Friday, May 13, 2022

And so it begins...

I cannot wait to start researching all the Republican senators who voted against codifying Roe. If they insist on upholding the bible over the constitution, fine. It's on. But if they are going to go after bans on birth control, then I hope they are prepared for total abstinence. And also, a ban on pornography, sexually suggestive books, movies, video games, and magazines.

If women's medical records will be up for grabs, then so will men's because vasectomies, Viagra and other sexual stimulants are also unnatural, and sperm is a seed that propagates human life as well.

So bring it, fundamentalist men. Bring it. Women are well used to fighting against your misogynistic ignorance. We have looked up the term "chattel" and we won't be having any of that for ourselves, our daughters, or our granddaughters.