Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Vanilla TV - Sand Creek


I was watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman last night (I missed the whole show when it was on prime time, and I thought I'd give it a chance because I like Jane Seymour.) and was beyond dismayed at the way they glossed over Chivington's massacre at Sand Creek.  I think it might have gotten two sentences in the script.

I was frankly surprised Chivington was mentioned at all, and I will give DQMW's writers credit for that.  But they could have at least mentioned how Chivington and over 650 US troops deliberately waited for the warriors of the village to leave on a hunting trip – leaving only women, children, babies, and the very elderly men to fend for themselves. As soon as the village was virtually unprotected, Chivington charged in, murdered and mutilated every last woman, child, baby, and old man.

But that wasn't enough. They mutilated them – even made change purses out of women and girl's genitalia.

And Sand Creek was only one of a multitude of such massacres that made up the genocide perpetrated on the nations and tribes of Native Americans by Europeans who have gradually poisoned, chopped up, drilled, mined, and overpopulated the beautiful country they stole away from them.

But I guess such prime-time atrocity might have made American – that is, white American – audiences somewhat uncomfortable. It might have disturbed the heroic American mythology that has replaced actual American history in white American minds.

And after all this bloody, barbaric history, whites have the unmitigated gall to even whisper the words "cancel culture". 


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