Friday, January 15, 2021

True patriots do not support coups or politicians who aid and abet them.


January 15, 2021


There was an attempted coup at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, last Wednesday, January 6th, 2021. That the president said "we love you" to the perpetrators is reprehensible and indefensible. That they were under the impression that the US military would in any way back them up is ludicrous and pathetic and shows just how deeply their trust and loyalty runs in a depraved president who has done nothing but lie and cheat all of his life. Why was that threat of violence toward the decent American people not taken seriously? Why was it not considered a breach of his oath of office then and there?

The GOP let serious threats of violence and un-American language and behavior slide over and over again – not only did they let it slide, but they doubled down on it and defended it. They shut down the government longer than any other time in history to placate an obviously irrational and inept so-called president. After the first farce of an impeachment – which was held behind closed doors and where no witnesses were called – he was 'cleared' and said to have "learned his lesson". Really? And what lesson did he learn? All during this American due process, he called the  investigation a witch hunt, defied it at every turn, and accepted no responsibility for his un-American, volatile, childish, mean-spirited, unpresidential behavior. And Susan Collins said, "I believe the president has learned his lesson".  Apparently the lesson he learned was that our American laws don't apply to him and that he can get away with anything because months later he incited a coup.

Even after this coup he incited, a GOP Senator Roy Blunt said, "he's touched a hot stove and likely won't try it again."  Likely? Exactly what evidence in the past four years indicates that he is capable of learning any lesson? That he's capable of behaving with dignity, compassion, or basic human values? For that matter, perhaps we should consider the fact that perhaps these members of Congress who still allow – even support – this reprehensible monster, are all incapable of learning a lesson as well.

Were you all not listening when he, standing on a dais on foreign soil, in the immediate presence of an adversarial leader (who has placed bounties on the heads of American military personnel), proceeded to denounce the United States intelligence community?

Were you absent the day he threatened to turn the United States military on its own people – and the generals had to tell the President of the United States that that was unconstitutional, and they would take no part in such abominable behavior?

What lessons has he learned since then? That the American Congress and Vice President don't have the courage and decency to uphold the Constitution and laws of their country? That he's invincible? That there are absolutely no consequences for his actions, no matter how low he stoops? No matter how un-American his behavior? No matter how seditious? No matter how he subverts the meanings of our country's policies? No matter how he ridicules and insults those Americans with compassion and faith in justice, equality, and freedom for everyone?

The fact that terrorists were allowed into the capitol and were not teargassed, beaten down, and fired upon is only because they were white.

The fact that days before the attempted coup, GOP members led them around the capitol, showing them where private offices were located, to facilitate their ability to vandalize the seat of the American people's power is treasonous.

The fact that the President of the United States said to the terrorists "we love you" and that he wasn't immediately charged with sedition is a disgrace that smacks of  aiding and abetting this heinous crime of revving his base of despicable thugs to commit this crime since he campaigned in 2016. 

The fact that all the time he's bragged about defeating ISIS, he has simultaneously encouraged domestic terrorists in his own country, last week standing at a podium offering to march with them to the capitol to overturn the will of the American people who voted him out of office. Voted him out legally, legitimately, constitutionally. He claimed that this betrayal of American people's trust was 'doing the right thing'. And then, instead of marching with them, he hid himself away for the rest of the day, watching the violence he encouraged unfold. If overturning the election was the right thing, why didn't he follow through and march with them? Why? Because he knew what was going to happen. He knew. And when it did, he watched with glee. Safely tucked away behind bulletproof windows in the White House; a coward letting a violent mob ransack our capitol and murder innocent people on his behalf. Allowing the angry mob of his creation to take the fall and be imprisoned, denying his culpability as usual and throwing them under the bus, just as he had intended all along. 

Overturning a free American election was the right thing? The right thing is to confirm the electoral college vote and Biden as president. There was nothing unfair about the election. In fact, it may very well be the first completely fair election in the United States. Ever. Because record numbers of true Americans finally had had enough of the voter suppression perpetrated by the racist right wing and showed up at the polls to vote out the most reprehensible, indefensible fake president in the history of our country.  It was the most closely watched, fairest election perhaps in the history of the United States precisely because the American people united – all ages, all races, all religions, all genders, and defied the lies and propaganda Trump and his enablers have spewed for years to reinforce the meaning of true patriotism in America: they claimed their power and voted.    

Trump lost because he's completely incompetent - as a president and moreover as a human being. He, his family, his enablers in Congress should all be held accountable for the grave state our country is in. He should have been being held accountable from the very beginning. From the very first time he demonized half of the American people because they believed in the values and humanity that American is supposed to stand for – and stood with the white supremacist terrorists, who carried Confederate battle flags and Nazi swastika flags, and called them fine people. These "fine people" are not patriots or conservatives. They are right wing terrorist thugs that the "president" has endorsed and sought aid from since he began campaigning five years ago because he's too much of a coward to stand up for himself – like most bullies. Actually, since he was born because his father instilled autocratic mentality within him as a tiny child.

This past summer I saw peaceful protesters - including clergy on their own church property - teargassed, flashbanged, shot with rubber bullets, beaten to the streets, and steamrolled by storm-troopers set upon them by the unhinged president – who wanted to cross a street and trespass on church property for a photo op.

I've heard the so-called president condemn Antifa while never once condemning neo-Nazis, KKK, or white supremacists - he has been given multiple chances to do that and declined.

I've heard him name-call, mock, and call his own military personnel losers and suckers because they were captured while fighting a war he was too cowardly to even show up for. (One of those soldiers was my husband who was a POW in 'Nam for 9 months in a hellhole where he was tortured every day. He showed up to serve his country while Trump dodged the draft with several deferments and finally bought a "doctor" to diagnose him as unfit to serve).

I've heard him make vile statements about women that in any other position would have garnered him charges of sexual harassment.

In fact I don't think there's a single group in this country or around the world that he hasn't insulted, sometimes even threatened, in the past four years.

He had the audacity to call BLM kneelers sons of bitches, yet, told white seditionists who stormed, shat in, pissed in, and brought pipe bombs and molotov cocktails into our national capitol that 'we love you.' Who's we? Not me. Not any sane American patriot.

He's encouraged right wing extremists to hijack the title "patriot" and demonize true Americans. If this terroristic behavior is the new meaning of "patriot" then I'll have to find a new way to describe myself.

I love my country. But this president, his disgusting family, and those vile members of Congress who have supported him and enabled him to get away with the seditious crimes he's committed against the Constitution and the American people have earned nothing but my contempt. They are all abominable and should have been removed from the White House and/or their offices long before this attempted coup was ever allowed to happen.

It frightens me that there are still so many gaslit Americans who are supporting this monster. This is cult behavior. Cultists have been spoon-fed lies and propaganda for so long they cannot tell fact from fiction. Perhaps they don't want to because they will have to admit how wrong they were and are. They're willing to sacrifice the stability, safety, and freedom of their country in order to not admit how completely they were led astray.

Trump is no president. He's barely a human being. He belongs in prison, along with his family members, and the people who obstructed justice the first time he was impeached. He should have been removed from office months ago when he said: "Stand down for now" to the very thugs who were obviously planning attacks on state capitols and the United States capitol even then. He should have been removed when he said, "to oppose me would be very bad" and proceeded to name groups of thugs who would fight true Americans should they oppose him or his heinous policies.

When was the pledge of allegiance amended to say one nation under Trump?

The way I understand it, America is supposed to be indivisible and the states are supposed to be united. And the liberty and justice is supposed to be for all, not just right wing white supremacists, who in an attempt to overthrow an American election committed sedition at the behest of the President of the United States.

These seditionist thugs will no doubt receive fair trials – which, incidentally, they survived to receive after desecrating the American capitol. Had their skins been any other color, I doubt they would have survived to even be arrested.

Remember last summer when droves upon droves of decent Americans flooded the streets of America in solidarity demanding justice and equality? And not just in America, but people all over the world? Did you not get it? Did you not hear the American 'president' condemn us? Condemn us for standing for American values? Integrity? Decency? Compassion? Honesty? Basic ethical behavior? Our lives? Our country? Our souls?  

Did you not hear his vile encouragement to a mob of thugs last week? Inciting violence within the very capitol that houses our government, the hall of our democracy, where the will of the people is supposed to rule, that houses those men and women dedicated to ensuring the will of the American people? The American people who voted out a seditious, racist, vicious, coward who had the audacity to call America's free press the enemy of the people – because they had the courage and integrity to tell the truth about a liar and a fraud from the very beginning of this farce of an administration, who continues to be a serious threat to American democracy.

Did you not hear about his having the audacity, when his Vice President objected to his stance about overturning the legitimate, legal American election, so that he could cheat and illegally gain a second term, said to Mr. Pence: "You can go down in history as a patriot or you can go down in history as a pussy." Really? Because the Vice President – who has staunchly supported every vile act the president has committed – disagreed to a seditious act, he's a pussy? The one man who's stood in the way of the 25th Amendment being invoked years ago? The president's number one lap dog who's sold out his soul, his faith, his country more than once supporting this monster? Doesn't that send up a big fat red flag that Trump is completely out of control and anyone is expendable to him? He will throw absolutely anyone under the bus who doesn't immediately acquiesce to any of his lamest ideas and criminal acts.

Have you not heard this president, at the top of his lungs, condemn people beyond our borders as lesser. Who calls entire groups of people rapists, murderers, and thieves to frighten Americans into jailing families merely seeking asylum, to convince Americans that it's acceptable to steal their children from them, the cruelest action one human being can take against another. That it's acceptable to never bother to find the 1500 children who are still unaccounted for. He is incapable of the compassion it takes to put himself in the place of any one of those 1500 sets of parents who have no idea where their child is, if they're safe, sick, alone, caged, frightened, sold into the sex slave industry, or even alive.

Have you not seen the president hold in contempt our allies while holding in esteem our sworn enemies and adversaries – some of the cruelest, inhuman autocrats in the world?.

Did you not hear the president call American people who demanded equality and justice, who begged for a show of solidarity by taking a knee, sons-of-bitches, yet allowed white supremacist terrorists to bring pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails into the capitol building – the seat of our government – to attack our legitimate election?.

You senators who continue to, after every vile incident perpetrated by the heathen in the White House, insist that he's learned his lesson: when will you? You are not ignorant nor uneducated. You are supposed to be lawmakers. You are supposed to be constitutional experts. You are almost all lawyers. You have made careers of being intimately knowledgeable of the laws and government of our country and have taken oaths to uphold and defend them. When did your education, oaths, and soul aside to allow one violation after another from a travesty of a president? What must this imposter do before you admit he's a criminal and do your jobs? To remove him and his crime family from the White House and jail him for subversion of our country's most sacred laws and of sedition?

When will you learn the lesson of touching the hot stove and act to defend and uphold the constitution? To defend the will of the American people? How loud and long must we cry out before we are heard?  Did you not see all of us in the streets? Are you not listening? Are you stone deaf?

Where are your loyalties? Because they are supposed to be with your country – with the American people. Not with a deranged, dishonest, despicable excuse for a so-called president and the terrorist thugs who support him at the cost of our democracy. You've spent the last twelve years slamming the brakes on every single thing the Democrats have tried to do – gaslighting the American people at every turn, using lies, fear-mongering, hate-mongering, and negative propaganda in an attempt to hold on to your power to…what? Hold on to your jobs? What's your point? Because you've been so busy trying to hold onto your jobs, that you've neglected to DO your jobs!

Millions of American people are sick and hundreds of thousands of us have died because you withheld vital information that allowed this pandemic to take a firm foothold, and at the same time fought to remove healthcare for millions of Americans with nothing to replace it.

You've spent billions of dollars on part of a wall that a deranged, obsessed, and inept child shut down the government to get, that never was finished and that a nine-year-old-child could scale. While the government was shut down the Coast Guard was furloughed, leaving our coastlines unpatrolled and vulnerable. Our parklands were vandalized and partially destroyed during that time, by Americans, I might add, not immigrants. Thousands of children were kidnapped and never returned to their parents (and you had the audacity to call the immigrants thieves and rapists and murderers!) who came here seeking safety and asylum.

You've spent twelve years lying and cheating and spending millions of taxpayers' dollars backing a smear campaign aimed at the Democratic Party instead of putting your energy into smoothly, efficiently, and ethically running this country with compassion and dignity to keep the American people safe, employed, and free.

You've allowed racism and flat-out insanity to prevail in the White House and bring chaos and division to America the likes of which has never been seen before, and crime to flourish the likes of which is so severe that it makes Watergate look like a pathetic little joke! And instead of bringing the full power at your disposal to bear against the maniac presidential imposter, you've doubled down and cleared him of charges that were so obviously true a child could have understood and done the right thing – and you never called a witness or publicized the procedure. Because it was a travesty of justice.

You've allowed a racist, clearly insane president to spew rhetoric so poisonous, so divisive, for the last five years, that millions of Americans – during a pandemic! – took to the streets to protest the inhuman, autocratic, racist horrors that has brought us to the brink of civil war – and what did you do? You teargassed them! Beat peacefully protesting Americans to those streets and sicced the unidentified, military armored police on them for telling the truth and exposing your lies and racism.

What's behind this monstrous attack on the election, and in turn the Democrats? It's so obvious! You are afraid that when the Democrats start doing your jobs next week, that the American people – including all of the so-called-Republican voters who have been so thoroughly duped – will see just how horrendous and insidious your lies actually have been. Just how greedy, heartless, and immoral the Republican party has become, and how close we came to having our democracy stolen from us for all time.

You let this travesty of a "president" torture, lie, and gaslight the American people for five years. It is your only accomplishment this entire time, and it is a wicked one. You have lied, cheated, and committed atrocious crimes against the American people to keep him in office. And it's all about to be exposed.

Your greatest fear is about to be realized: The United States of America is about to be controlled by the Democrats – and not only are your predictions of disaster, of the destruction of our country under Democratic leadership not going to come true, but our country will flourish, just like it has every other time the Democrats have led in the past.

Will things be perfect? Of course not. No American expects perfection from our government.


We don’t expect our free press, designed to keep us informed about the goings-on of our government officials, to be called our enemy.

We don’t expect our president to vilify our allies and gush over notoriously cruel and murderous dictators.

We don't expect to become ill by the millions, die by the hundreds of thousands.

We don't expect to have the President of the United States encourage domestic terrorism and racism.

We don't expect children to be targeted and stolen from their parents.

We don't expect to be ridiculed, shamed, and pitied by the entire world because of the leaders we have chosen.

We don't expect GOP members of congress to bring terrorists into the Capitol building to case it ahead of their attempted coup.

We don't expect to be put under siege, blackmailed and gaslit for years with no end in sight, in the name of greed, racism, lust for power, and hypocrisy, all of which has become the norm in the last four years while the Republicans have been in control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives.  

You are terrified that the American people are going to realize that our country is not only not going to be destroyed, but that it will rebound, survive, and flourish quite nicely without the iron fist of the Republican party that has deteriorated into a cesspool of autocracy and corruption.


You are afraid that good is actually going to finally triumph over evil, and that your party is going to disappear, as it should, because you've systematically destroyed it from within.

And you are terrified that the American people will not only succeed without you, but will say 'good riddance' when they realize just how unfathomably cruel, despicably un-American, and grossly immoral you've been.

Let me be the first to say, good riddance, Republican Party, it's been a dishonor to know you.



  1. You certainly left nothing out in this post, Terri. Great job!

  2. Amen. You have echoed my own thoughts and feeling of the last 4 years. Thank you!
